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New Node Groups

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Monday, October 8, 2018 Under: News
Hey all!

Recently I got to upload quite a lot to the Panther Dynamics main website. While it's not large in file size, it certainly makes Blender's compositor just much more useful!

Today, I got to add two new additions. While they essentially perform the same task, one allows for scene integration and the other is traditional in its approach. I'm talking about pixelation!

Pixelation is, like any other style, used for various things. Often when people think of pixelation, they think of pixel art, 8bit games, cencorship or a clever filter for posters or shows that have some sort of cyber theme. The great news of these two new additions is that they allow for any of those purposes and it's totally procedural - which made the file size even smaller than it could've been!

To illustrate them, I rendered the same scene (using the term loosely, hehe), to show the difference between them:

Traditional pixelation has a fuzzy edge and pixelates neighboring objects or elements as well.

And on the other hand, Integrated Pixelation means that only the object itself gets pixelated. This is a much more advanced approach and to make it easier to do, I used Material Index to make things easier (it stays the same regardless of depth).
I don't know specifically why GOD put it on my heart to do these two specifically, but I do believe it means that someone out there needs this kind of filter for some reason - after all, HE knows what we need before we do.

Do make sure you check out the page with all the other nodes to see what all you can use! :D

You'll find there to be around 30 nodes covering 3D processing and format conversion, compositing effects, video filters, and some traditional image filters. Not convinced? Check out this video:

Biggest thanx to GOD for helping me with this. Without HIM, none of this would be possible! :D

Know JESUS yet?

Have a great one!!!

Thank YOU!!!!!!

In : News 

Tags: god  jesus  holy spirit  blender  anime  nodes  effects  pixelation  character  node groups  updated 
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