The Blog

2 - New Stuff

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 Under: News
Hey all!

I'm so excited to share this with you!  A new story!!

Little background: A short while ago, I started talking to a company's social media manager on insta and we just hit it off! I adore this dude!! He's so cool! Anyway, Staedtler has these competitions where you sometimes draw, sometimes take pic and sometimes write a story. The first competition of their's I entered was actually a story writing comp and I wrote it so fast! It wasn't the most original concept - body switch - but I loved it! Still original.

Didn't win, but I did try and so I have a story I can produce. A few months later, after meeting that new friend, he asked me what I have in production or how far I am with a second competition's story and I bit the bullet and produced that new story in a flash and got it up. That is this: A Choice To Blast - kinda makes me think of the vaccines - and this was before all the "vaccines are the mark of the beast" nonsense, lol. Just goes to show how instinctively we really operate as people. 

So, here is the story - enjoy!!!

Welcome back! lol.

But wait, there's more, hahaha! Just too easy! Seriously though, there is. I noticed in my about section here that I did tell you about the 3D stuff, but never actually linked you guys to that, and that's on me, so, with this here blog post, you can access my:

Pixabay, Blendswap, BibleAnimations, Panther Dynamics, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SoundCloud, CGTrader and of course, email!

Yes, it is a lot, hahaha. Most of it doesn't require a lot of attention, because I kinda put stuff up for you guys and you use it as you need it. For example, the 3D models on CGTrader stay there. The same with SoundCloud, Blendswap, Youtube and Pixabay. Make no mistake, I respond to comments and DM's. I don't believe in ignoring your followers and contacting them only when you want something, lol, NO, lol. That's horribly one-sided. It doesn't mean that everyone who does, does so on purpose, because I have terribly quiet times too - see my posting dates, lol. My comments, DM's and emails are absolutely always up to date! Same day if at all possible.

So what causes such a silence? Life and work. Making these posts take a lot of time and effort to do well, so sometimes I just feel like: "I'll do it later" and it just never happens, LOL. Sound familiar? Anyone? lol

Doesn't mean I don't try. With the models, will talk about them now, I get to update you guys more and share more tips!

Wait, go back! What models? Well, I am so glad you asked! lol.

As I just shamelessly blurted my secret - that I do 3D too - I suppose you'd have found out anyway. I've done a few short films and there is a ton of material that can be extremely useful to you guys (or 3D artists you know). This has led me full circle to uploading models for sale on CGTrader!

"NO!" you say


I created some pages to link back to the store from my sites, so I draw the right kind of attention and 'tis there that I also started writing about a tip I want to continue with here - how to approach a social media marketing strategy. Specifically how to target your audience correctly. You can find the first part here.


When we last left our social media hero we were talking about how we can not be tooo salesly while applying the 80-20 rule as a starting point. Now, we're gonna talk about the tools at our disposal:
- Tagging - Hashtags - Groups - Platforms - Content - Friends - Engagement -

Let me just add here if your friends are tools, you need to find new friends, LOL!!! Again, too easy! hahaha.

Moving on - the most important I've found are all of them in the right amount.

Let me give you an example. I have a friend down in DBN who owns a studio. She's fantastic at what she does and she asked me to come and give a workshop. Which covid-ed out... Anyway, that is an example of using a friend (her using me) in the right way. Now, you can also use a friend the other way around, where you ask them to do you a favor. Again, same friend example, where I know they're working on a particular project that I'd love to be on, so I simply made myself available for it. It's totally up to her whether she brings me on board, but you don't know if you don't ask. NOW, BIG DISCLAIMER - YOU ARE NOT SOMEONE'S FRIEND IF YOU ONLY CONTACT THEM BECAUSE YOU WANT SOMETHING. I've had people try to manipulate me for my project files and stuff and I'm not pleased. You can contact a friend because you want something, but not only for that. It's the only that makes it abusive and spammy.

A word of caution - tread lightly! People are people and you have to give, not just take. I'm gonna give another example. I'm a fan of many a singer. I'd love to one day be able to sing alongside them, but, if I'm a jerk and selfish fanboy, how likely am I to get such a chance and it go well? Now, if I follow them as a genuine fan, which I am, and I comment, share, like, interact, make them fan art just cause, etc, it builds a solid expectation of good will, because that's what it is. Now, if a chance does arise for me to sing with them or even someone else that knows them, how will it go now? See the difference? Don't just use people! Be good to people and lift them up, because it always comes back, even if through someone else. The world is too small to try and take advantage of people like that...

And with that, the lecture is adjourned. Your homework is written on the board, LOL! JK!

Okay, so that covers the relational side of marketing - a VERY powerful tool if you're sincere! 

Next, hastags!

SO underrated! If you don't riddle your post with them, it is a very useful tool to organize your posts with others like it and increase visibility. I find that the personable tags I use on Instagram are extremely effective for the posts I put up most of the time, so I'm very happy there. On FB, I still get good views, but honestly, sometimes it's downright awful, so if you do get hit or miss for a while, don't be afraid to keep trying. It can really make your posts engagement like 20x better! Use them wisely! haha. I honestly still don't get why people say two or three max... It feels like them saying: "File your posts so fewer people will see it."

I've seen them to be most effective if you use a general batch of the same relevant tags, with unique ones to the post, so you can keep getting your posts to the same people that explore those tags and share with new faces.

Quick side tip! Explore tags and engage! Engage does not equal spam. If you comment, comment for real and do it with only a few posts. The algorithms do not favor excessive activity, because you appear to be a spammer, even when you're actually building relationships. I've had FB lock me out of my own account for telling a friend that their work is great. Yeah, I violate terms like that - it's totally against community guidelines to encourage a friend... won't make that mistake again, lol. Next time, I'll start with: "Do better! You SUCK!" or "Anything else you'd like to do?..." LOL. Bear in mind that this is a platform that I've NEVER even engaged with hashtag exploration or commenting... Low level flying people!

Oh no, the signal dropped! lol. This is where I cut this one off!

So, I hope you enjoyed the new story! Check out my social medias and subscribe, follow, etc for more content as I upload it. I'd hate for you to miss out on anything!

Free stuff all 'round my websites and other platforms! :D

Models available on CGTrader! Go get some! lol.

Hope you have a super day!!

GOD bless you!!! (^^,)

In : News 

Tags: god  jesus  holy spirit  cgtrader  blender  blogging  3partpost  socialstrategy  toolsofthetrade  getitright  giveitashot  eightytwenty  principles  organicgrowth  b3d  dixon  social 
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Marius Oberholster
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